Plant-Based, Multifunctional Suncare
Healthy suncare that shields your skin from UVA, UVB and blue light exposure.
Your Blue Light Defense
- Blue light is emitted primarily from the sun and from digital devices.
- Studies indicate blue light can damage skin and cause hyperpigmentation.
- Our ‘blue light’ products have been clinically proven to reduce blue light transmittance.

We've Been Featured In

Our Products are PAMP™ Friendly
People Friendly
Safe, plant-based friendly
Animal Friendly
No animal testing
Marine Friendly
Reef-friendly, non-nano
Planet Friendly
Recycled packaging

Protect Your Skin • Protect a Life
My Day Screen® is committed to providing plant-based, multifunctional sun care products that promote healthy skin - every day, everywhere.
We are also committed to helping young people in America who struggle every day with unstable living arrangements. My Day Screen® contributes regularly to two powerful 501c3 organizations - Kidsave International and StandUp for Kids Inc. Visit their websites for more information on how these organizations are changing lives.